iBulli Minibus

As sponsor of the ETH focus project "SunCar", we supplied the high-performance Li-Ion battery for the "iBulli", an electric version of the VW T6, developed by six students of mechanical and electrical engineering.
Project goals
ETH Zurich's focus projects offer students at ETH and other Swiss universities the opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge to practical use. The aim of each focus project is to develop a vehicle with an electric drive. SUNCAR supports the students with its know-how.
From the previous projects, an electric sports car, an electric family car and an electric SUV have been developed. The prototype of the first SUNCAR HK excavator, the TB1140E, was also created as part of a focus project. With the help of these projects, we always stay on top of the latest research and gain important knowledge about it.
Wollen Sie eine Maschine oder ein Fahrzeug elektrifizieren? Dann sind wir Ihr Partner!
Wir begleiten Sie, von der Machbarkeitsstudie, über die Konzeption und Konstruktion bis hin zum Bau des Prototyps oder einer Kleinserie und darüber hinaus.