PON Z-Line

For Pon Equipment & Pon Rental Norway, SUNCAR was the software development partner for the new PON Z-Line product line. In this development project, we were once again able to apply our special knowledge in the field of software development for zero-emission construction machines and also gain new ones.
Project Goals
The starting point for the Z-line E-excavator was a standard Cat excavator, where everything related to diesel operation was replaced by electric components. Parts of the counterweight corresponding to the weight of the batteries were removed so that the machine has the same weight and stability as a standard machine. Thus, externally, the Z-line model looks almost the same as a standard machine.
All machines can work between 5-7 hours per charge. One hour of charging is enough for one hour of work if you use a 63A 400 VAC. The connection to the machine is made on the right side of the machine, where a Marechal type plug is used. This is then connected to a standard construction electrical box via an adapter cable with a standard red plug. (IEC 60309)
Since the excavators are electrically powered, only the sound of metal against earth and stone can be heard. Engine noise is virtually non-existent and vibration is minimal. One major difference is that once you release the levers, the electric machine no longer consumes electricity, while the diesel machine still consumes fuel when idling. The cab is heated by an electric heater and the hydraulic system. The Cat model is equipped with factory-installed Cat technology that helps reduce emissions.
310 Z-Line (11.9-ton)
The 310 Z-Line is an upgraded Cat 310 excavator weighing 11.9 tons. The machines have the same performance as the standard version (Cat 310) in terms of the amount of oil pumped and engine power. The cab is also unchanged except for an additional screen that provides the operator with information from the electric powertrain at all times.
320 Z-Line (25.4-ton)
The Cat 320 Z-Line is a 25-ton machine developed from Caterpillar's NextGen crawler excavator line. The Cat 320 Z-Line is a typical all-around machine used for loading trucks, digging and grading on small and large sites. The crushing forces are the same as the diesel-powered 320. As with the diesel machine, the machine has a 1,150 liter digging bucket and can be used with an incline.